Secure Your Legacy and Your Family’s Future With the Help of a Will Attorney in Philadelphia, PA

A will is a legal document that ensures that when you die, your assets will be divided amongst your loved ones according to your wishes. It can also allow you to name a legal guardian to look after your child if you are to pass away before they reach adulthood. A will is an essential part of most estate plans. A will attorney at Cohen Family Law Firm, PLLC can help you draft a will that meets your unique needs and accomplishes your goals. Attorney Scott Cohen can also review and modify your existing will to ensure it is valid and still aligns with your wishes.  

Create a Plan Based On Your Unique Needs and Goals

The main goal of estate planning is to protect your assets and pass them on to your family in the best way possible. The main goal of care planning is to make provisions for your health and your estate in case one day you’re unable to make those decisions yourself. 


But what do you really want for your family? What do you want your money to do for them? Whom do you want to make decisions for you, if you’re unable to? We start by addressing these questions, discussing your concerns and wishes. The plan we create addresses those concerns and wishes. 


Finally, we keep your documents up to date. Our estate plans include a review at three years at no charge. That way, we can be sure that as your life changes, your plan changes, too. What good is a 10-year old plan that doesn’t reflect what you have – and who you are – today? 

Consult With a Knowledgeable Will and Trust Attorney to Create a Personalized Estate Plan

Discuss your goals and start making a plan with a qualified will attorney today. Call (267) 238-3841 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your free consult. 

While it may be possible to modify it when circumstances change significantly, your child custody agreement will most likely have a long-lasting impact on your life and your relationship with your child.

Nobody expects their marriage to end in divorce, and the process is never easy. There are life-altering decisions that must be made, and even if you think you’re on the same page, disagreements can arise and further complicate the process.

You want to do what is best for your children. Every family faces unique challenges, and you want to find a lawyer who can help you explore your options and find solutions tailored to your needs.

Get the guidance you need; start with a free consultation. 
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